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Saturday PM

Saturday PM


We were purposely created by God to have connection with him. If we were created for connection, then why is it so hard to find? Tonight, we want every student to have faith that their personal connection with God is not dependent on their decisions, and it’s not determined by their circumstances.


Connection with God is available because of Jesus.


When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” // Mark 2:5




We learned the first night that vulnerability leads to connection. We also learned that real connection costs us something, and we learned that real connection is worth the cost! The same is true with our relationship with God. Tonight, let’s open small group time with the same activity as last night, but through a different perspective. (There is a list of examples to help the activity begin if students need direction!)

  • Use the cord from Session 1 in the same way to connect a web between one another.

  • Give the group a few minutes to think to themselves how they would answer this question:  God, I sometimes feel disconnected from you because…

If you need help getting the activity going, here are some example statements:
God, at times I feel disconnected from you because I sometimes think you don’t care what I have to say.
God, I sometimes feel disconnected from you because my life is messy. My parents are separated, and they fight all the time.
God, I sometimes feel disconnected from you because when I look at my friends' lives, I think that they really have their stuff together. Their family seems to do everything right. I guess I’m further from God then I thought.
God, I sometimes feel disconnected from you because I just don’t get how I’m suppose to have faith when bad things happen to good people.
God, I sometimes feel disconnected from you because I don’t feel worthy of love.



  • We were designed to have connection with others and with God, so why is it so difficult for us to do something that we were designed for?

  • Why is it hard to let go of the things that keep us disconnected from God?


Read Mark 2:5
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

  • The paralyzed man and his friends risked a lot to get to Jesus. What did they risk, and how did Jesus react? Did he push them away?

  • We see that Jesus didn’t make a list of things the paralyzed man and his friends needed to do or not do in order to receive healing and connection. So why do we think we have to?


  • If we were to live every moment of every day with faith like the paralyzed man and his friends, how would that change our personal connection with God?

Leaders, read this aloud to the group:

We learned or were reminded that everything that stands in the way of you and I having a real connection with God is removed because of Jesus.

Jesus took this bar measurement system and replaced it with a new one. Jesus measured up to a line that we could never measure up to.

It’s the line that allows us to be close to a perfect God, even though we are broken, imperfect people. Jesus made up for that forever. He took care of it! Connection with God is now available for you, and it’s available because of Jesus.

  • Some of you connected with God for the first time and some of you let go of things holding you back from connecting with God. If either is true for you, would you be willing to share right now with our group?


  • Leaders, thank students for being real and opening up to the group. Remind your students that they are not alone. Let them know you are there for them. From here on out, let’s be real with one another and experience real connection.

  • It will be tempting to get back to staying guarded in our relationship with others and in our relationship with God. We are going to make a bracelet out of the cord used in each small group session this weekend. This bracelet will be a reminder of the connections we made this weekend, and the connection to God available to us because of Jesus.

  • Leaders: Take the cord and use the provided scissors to cut it into 18 inch pieces. You also have a lighter in your bag to singe ends of each piece so that they don’t unravel. Every student and leader will need a section of the cord. Some of your students will know how to make a simple cord bracelet, or you can follow the instructions found on this video tutorial: